"Your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God." (2 Corinthians 9:11)

You Can Become a Part Of Something Great Today
Campus Ministry at Algonquin College relies chiefly on donations for funding. We welcome funding from individuals and local congregations, including support for Campus Ministry as a mission project. Thank you for choosing one of the following ways to donate.
You Can Donate Online
Other Ways to Donate
United Way
Pay to Algonquin College Campus Ministry on the United Way pledge form.
Use our charitable registration number 854257003 RR0001.
By Cheque
Send a cheque to Campus Ministry at Algonquin College
1385 Woodroffe Ave, Room E211, Ottawa ON K2G 1V8
Our Partners
We are especially grateful for on-going funding from St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, the Presbyterian Church of Canada, St. Stephen's Anglican Church, St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Shrine, and the United Church of Canada.